Youth Advocacy Council Pakistan

Striving for Social and Economic Empowerment of Trans and Youth in Pakistan

"Empowering marginalized communities in flood-affected areas of Punjab, Pakistan, Youth Advocacy Council Pakistan secures transformative funding from End Water Poverty for rights awareness, advocacy, and improved access to safe water and sanitation services."

Our Passion

Youth and Trans Leadership

Water & Sanitation

Health and Wellbeing

Advocacy for Human & Child Rights

AI & Cyber Security


Democratic and Human Rights Education

Digital Literacy

AI and Tech for Health & Human Rights

How Artificial Intelligence and Technology can accelerate Sustainable development goals? YAC introduced Pakistan and first in Asia, Transhelp, a digital platform designed to help and support Transgenders and youth to prevent HIV/Aids, Sexually transmitted disease and create a healthy, balance, protective and conducive environment for victims of transphobia and enable them to be a productive member in the society. Interested to know more about it?